CFAA (sēē-fáh) - We are a member-supported non-profit organization encouraging creative floral designing support for our members! |
TRANSFORMED! Ania Norwood, AIFD, CCF, EMC Program: "Transforming Everyday Objects into Artforms" Master Class: "Designing with Wire Webbing Techniques" Workshop: "Innovative Cardboard Designs" Ania’s floral design journey began by studying and working at a retail florist and participating in industry workshops, courses, trade shows, seminars and a Floral Design program at GW College 2007, followed by 2011 certification as CCF, 2012 AIFD accreditation, and 2013 EMC certification. Ania has entered and won numerous competitions, most recently she placed in Top10 Gateway to Americas Cup Panama 2024 where she also placed 3rd in One of the task : "The Romantic Table for Two". In 2017 she co-presented a design program on the main stage AIFD Symposium and was assistant to the Program Coordinator Team for 2022 AIFD Symposium. With a background in architecture and civil engineering, a passion for interior design, fashion, photography and art, Ania has been a frequent guest lecturer at GW College, assistant to EMC (USA & Belgium), and has taught workshops worldwide as as part of the Design For Excellence Team, participated and presented at home-based and international events including: Philadelphia Flower Show, Fleuramour and Hoogstraten in Groenten en Bloemen in Belgium, and FFFIM in South Korea. Ania’s work has also been showcased on multiple occasions in published books internationally. Today, Ania works as a freelance designer for prestigious event companies worldwide, and has her own business: Ania Norwood Design at: |
Lynn Fronk, NGC Flower Show School Floral Design Instructor Program: "The Geogia Peaches" Master Class: "Beyond the Basics" Lynn is a National Garden Club Master Flower Show Judge, Flower Show Schools Design, and Flower Show Procedure Instructor. She has taught in 42 States, Mexico, Guatemala, Columbia, Ecuador, Uruguay and Guantanamo Bay, and Cuba. She has judged major flower shows in the United States such as the Philadelphia Flower Show, Newport Flower Show and the Rhode Island State Flower Show. She is the winner of the Mildred-Heter Buckingham Award for outstanding service for the Garden Club of Ohio and has several designs featured in Designing by Types. Lynn is a Past President of Garden Club of Ohio. She is a member of the Flower Show Schools Committee serving as Symposium Chairman for 2023-25 for the National Garden Clubs, the Symposium Chairman for the Garden Club of Georgia and has relocated from Ohio to Flowery Branch, Georgia. She is Master Environmental Consultant and a Gardening Consultant for NGC. She is a member of the Crabapple and Stonehedge Garden Clubs, Creative Flower Arrangers of the Americas (CFAA), The Designer’s Club of Georgia, and the National Flower Arranger Guild. Lynn is a retired nurse from Columbus Children's Hospital and is active in many community activities such as Buford-Lanier Women’s Club, Arts and Environment Committee for Prince of Peace Church and the Greater Atlanta Polymer Clay Guild. She is the author of “Merry Christmas from My House to Yours” a small booklet on using natural materials for Holiday Designs. |
Liz Wozencraft, GCA Program: "Maximum Minimized - Tracing Designs from East to West" Workshop: "Hoops in Motion" Liz, a native Houstonian, has been a member of the Garden Club of Houston for over 20 years. She is an approved floral design judge in the Garden Club of America. Liz has served as the GCA Zone IX representative for flower shows and is currently the Zone IX representative for floral design. She travels around the country lecturing, presenting workshops and demonstrations on various aspects of design styles, judging, and how to become motivated. Her true passion has become education and hopes to inspire novice designers. She has an active Instagram @flowershowjunkie |
Barbara Kaytes, GCA Floral Design Judge Program: "Structures and Nature" Workshop: "Outside the Container - Containerless Designing" Barb is a Floral Design Judge (Approved), and Botanical Arts Judge (Prospective) with the Garden Club of America. She has judged flower shows on the national level and has exhibited and medalled on the US and international stage including the World Association of Flower Arrangers (WAFA). Her work has won multiple GCA awards and many Best in Shows over her thirty-year career. To enhance her knowledge of design, she began studying the art of Sogetsu Ikebana twenty years ago, and has now achieved “Sanyo”, the second highest level in the discipline. She has taught classes in Sogetsu across CT, NY and Florida. Her work has appeared in the Japanese Reading Room of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, at multiple gallery spaces in the NY metropolitan area and, locally, at the McKee Botanical Gardens in Vero Beach, FL. |
The Georgia Peaches |
Lynn Fronk, NGC Master Judge and Design Instructor See Lynn's biography above. | Fran Myers Fran, a lifelong Georgia Peach, has been a member of the Chattooga Garden Club for over 25 years serving as president for two terms. She is also a member of North Georgia Council of Flower Show Judges and a past president Creative Study Club. She is an NGC Master Flower Show Judge and a Basic Design Instructor. She serves as Georgia State Flower Show School Chairman. Her designs have appeared in Vision of Beauty and Expressions calendars as well as other publications. Fran enjoys making pottery, painting, cooking and reading. She loves to spend time gathering plant material on her property to use in creating designs. |
Ellen Nichol, NGC Accredited Judge. Ellen recently completed her requirements to become an NGC Judge in record time. Her creative talent is as delightful as her personality! | Anna Burns You have seen Anna at CFAA! She brought us her petite designs! Anna is an NGC Master Judge, Floral Design Studies Instructor, author of the book, Guide to the New Petite: Floral Designs 12" and Under and you can see her design in the NGC 2024 calendar! |
Claudia Bates - Claudia Bates is the National Garden Clubs USA Designer of the month for September 2024. Claudia is a Design Instructor for NGC Flower Show Schools and Symposiums and a NGC Master Flower Show Judge. Claudia has been a member of Gainesville Garden Club for over 35 years. And, is also a member of the Creative Arts Garden Club. She credits her Mother as the person who has greatly influenced her creative floral designing. Claudia says that belonging to NGC has increased her knowledge of so many things; growing horticulture, how to make creative floral designs, how to create traditional floral designs, parliamentary procedure and how to be a great leader. Claudia is past president of both her garden club and the Florida Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc. But most importantly, NGC has provided her with the opportunity to meet so many wonderful people from all over the USA and other countries, make many friends with some of those friends becoming lifelong GOOD friends! Claudia’s favorite design type is the “Abstract” design. Enjoy the photos of some of her Abstract designs. | Betty Ann Galway - Betty Ann's love for flowers is infectious and she enjoys sharing it with others. She is an AIFD Certified Evaluator & Judge and currently teaches floral design classes. With 14 years of experience as the Adult Education Director at Norfolk Botanical Garden, Betty Ann has a wealth of knowledge in the field. She has also run her own wedding floral business. Betty Ann's floral interpretations of the arts have been displayed in Richmond for years, including at Fine Arts & Flowers, many times for the opening of the Virginia Arts Festival, and at Virginia Stage Company's performances. She is an NGC Master Judge and a member of various floral design-focused clubs and organizations throughout Northern Virginia. Betty Ann holds a biology degree from Mary Washington College of Virginia, and has been happily married for 38 years and is a proud grandmom. |
Brenda McManaway - Brenda is an NGC Flower Show Judge and a fabulous floral designer. Brenda was part of the Virginia is for Flower Lovers CFAA 2024. She is involved in everything NGC Flower Show Judges in the Richmond, Virginia area. A retired nurse, Brenda shows she cares in all she does for us at CFAA! This year Brenda is Chairman of the Chíc Boutique. Come over and say hello! | ![]() | Barb Jacobson - Barb is CFAA's parliamentarian. I have been a member of Lemon Bay Garden Club in Englewood, Florida since 2005 and served as Club President during two terms. I am a Florida Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc. Life Member. I am an NGC Accredited Master Flower Show Judge and the current Vice President of the Florida Flower Show Judges. I am also the Florida Judges Credentials Chairman. I love floral design and belong to three floral design study groups. In addition to earning NGC Top Exhibitor Awards in garden club, district, and state flower shows, I have exhibited at the Ringling Museum of Art, the Art Museum of St. Petersburg, and the Epcot International Flower and Garden Festival. I have participated in CFAA Kaleidoscope since 2013 and have designs in CFAA Design Dimensions and the new book of NGC floral designs, “What’s Your Type” published by the Florida Flower Show Judges. I first attended CFAA in 2017 and have returned every year since. I was a workshop instructor at both the 2019 and 2020 CFAA Seminars where I taught participants how to use alcohol inks to create unique design components. At the 2020 CFAA Seminar I was pleased to be one of “Florida’s Sunshine Girls” presenting the program “Weather Inspirations”. My design titles were “Wildfire” and “Frozen Fog”. |